Steps required when a new Corporate Partner has been added to InStride (available in the InStride C.P. Operations Brief):

  1. Jeri Burkhart notified Amanda Leffler so that she can set up the C.P. record in Jenzabar
  2. Amanda Leffler adds the Jenzabar ID_NUM to Indiana Tech MOU Tracking and notifies Jeri Burkhart when these two steps have been completed.
  3. Jeri Burkhart either adds the Alternate Identifier into Jenzabar or notifies Barbie Dikeolakas that it needs to be added.

Sometimes these steps are forgotten and I.T.S. is asked to add the Alternate Identifiers.  To do so:

  1. Get the Jenzabar ID_NUM for the Corporate Partner
  2. Get the start date and CP ID for the 
  3. Run the attached InStride CP Insert script (this can also be found on the 'N' drive IT\AppDev\SQL Snippets